In a tragic incident in Kenner, a young boy named Javier Adrian Flores Fajardo, aged 12, suffered injuries when an ice cream truck crashed into his apartment complex. Unfortunately, the Fajardo family has provided an update stating that Javier’s condition has shown no signs of improvement, and the doctors believe he may never regain consciousness.
The family’s heart-wrenching statement expressed their concern that due to the severity of his head injury, Javier may remain unconscious indefinitely. They fear the possibility of his condition deteriorating further, possibly leading to irreversible brain damage.
In cases where the head injury is extensive, medical intervention, including surgeries and medications, may not be enough to prevent swelling and subsequent complications. The family acknowledged the limitations of medical care in such circumstances.
If you or someone you know has experienced a brain injury from an accident and requires resources and legal assistance, we urge you to contact the Brain Injury Help Center. They can provide valuable support and guidance, including information on filing a lawsuit.