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Rollercoaster Cellphone Accident: Man Injured by Falling Phone on Cedar Point Ride

A recent incident at Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, has raised concerns over rider safety. David Carter, a season pass holder, was struck in the head by a fellow rider’s cellphone while on the Maverick rollercoaster. The impact resulted in an open wound that bled profusely for over an hour and a subsequent concussion diagnosis.

Carter took to Facebook to share his experience, emphasizing the importance of adhering to ride safety rules. He stated, “Another patron on the same train ignored the rules to store all loose articles, resulting in the phone hitting my head at 70+ MPH.”

Cedar Point’s director of communications, Tony Clark, confirmed the incident, noting that the injured guest was treated on-site. While he wasn’t aware of similar recent accidents, it’s worth noting that the park has specific guidelines concerning the storage of loose articles during rides. The Maverick, which stands 105 feet tall, is described as a “bucking bronco” of a coaster with a 95-degree-angle descent.

Recounting the rollercoaster cellphone accident, Carter, who works as a paramedic, remarked on the severity and potential risks of such situations. He added, “As a paramedic, I see freak accidents often, and my goal is to educate and prevent such incidents.”

This alarming event follows a previous incident where a woman was injured by a falling metal bracket from a rollercoaster at the same park.

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