Jordan Ayers, an 18-year-old recent high school graduate from Jefferson County, finds himself confined to a hospital bed, paralyzed from the waist down. Just a day after his momentous graduation, tragedy struck as Ayers suffered a severe workplace injury while on the job.
Ayers, who had been working for an event rental company in Fenton, Missouri, for three weeks, was on a delivery assignment in Pacific, Missouri when the unfortunate incident occurred. While handling a stack of folding tables, they suddenly toppled, striking his head and forcefully impacting his neck. The impact caused his C5 disc to push into and compress his spinal cord, resulting in paralysis from the waist down.
Tabitha Hardy, Ayers’ mother, expressed her distress, sharing that the event company has been unresponsive and unhelpful since the accident. Neither an apology nor Ayers’ final paycheck has been provided. Frustrated, Hardy’s other son, who also worked for the same company, resigned immediately after the incident.
As Ayers faces a challenging future, the urgent need for a wheelchair-accessible house, vehicle, and various accommodations weighs heavily on his single mother of five. The family has started a GoFundMe campaign to assist Ayers upon his return home.
Amidst these trying circumstances, Ayers remains determined to stay positive, and his mother continues to provide unwavering support. However, legal and medical assistance is crucial for brain injury victims like Ayers. If you or a loved one has suffered a similar injury from a workplace accident, contact the Brain Injury Help Center today for the support you deserve.
Call the Brain Injury Help Center now to seek legal and medical aid for your brain injury case.